Rezkast Radio

by MediaHosting LTD

Music & Audio


Rezkast Radio is an online radio station serving the people and communitiesof the Fort Peck Indian Reservation and surrounding areas located in NorthEastern Montana. Rezkast Radio plays an eclectic balance of music rangingfrom modern hits, country hits to Native American hits. Rezkast Radio alsocovers and airs live sports from the local high school teams located on theReservation. The focus of Rezkast Radio is to bring modern entertainmentsuch as music, sports and live broadcasts to the rural Reservationcommunities of North East Montana. Rezkast Radio is the originalReservation Hit Station and is proud to be the first of its kind focusingon a localized region.RezKast Radio brings modern music and cultural significant information toan under served audience via an online radio platform. Rezkast Radiobroadcasts and is based out of Poplar, Montana. Our team aims to bring topquality content to people and communities we serve.